Ifeoluwa Ariyo-Agbaje
3 min readFeb 26, 2020


It is important — here — at the beginning of your Model United Nations experience to briefly answer the question, “How do I make the most of #MUN conferences?” Whilst in Secondary School, my School Administrator, of blessed memory, would always say:

“If you can think it, if you can conceive and perceive it, you can achieve it”.

- Ajibola Sosanya

Distinguished! When you see the big picture, the benefits of attending an #MUN Conference will be far greater than what you will achieve by just reading this article. I’d like you to clearly understand the essence of “Making the Most of an #MUN Conference”.

As a Thought Leader who has worked on #MUN issues in the capacity of an organizer of an #MUN conference, official and delegate in #Africa, one thing I have found to be consistently true is that: deep down, young people want to express their innate potentials and horn-in essential skills. Interestingly, this energy can be deployed either in the positive or negative. #MUN conferences clamour for the maximization of such energy towards positive activities and this is one great advantage.

“Young people attend #MUN conferences for different reasons; #MUN conferences mean different things to different people”.

With great certainty, I have encountered young people who were attending #MUN conferences for the frivolities and did not think it was possible for them to make the most of such experience-based conferences.

“The potential for greatness lies within me, but success will come to me only If I make up my mind on what I want!”

At this point in your life, what does attending #MUN conferences mean to you? If you had the opportunity to be in a room of young people from each country of the world and you were saddled with the responsibility of proffering solutions to a particular world problem, would you be able to make a long-lasting impression? If you had one minute to propose a mind-boggling idea to the richest man in the world, would you be able to sell yourself and that idea appropriately? How much more when you are a delegate in an #MUN conference where you can explore opportunities and express yourself? #MUN conferences avail you with a wide range of opportunities to become an active and more concerned global citizen. You are trained to emerge as global game-changers, front-liners and trailblazers.

Let’s examine how to make the most of #MUN conferences:

  1. Expand your knowledge on the workings of the United Nations.
  2. Learn vital skills in negotiations.
  3. Learn problem-solving skills.
  4. Be adept in public speaking.
  5. Learn consensus building and conflict-resolution.
  6. Learn research and communication skills (research done before and during the simulation).
  7. Network! Network!! Network!!!
  8. Share ideas on how you can bring your aspirations into reality with like-minded people.
  9. Lend your voice on global issues.

Intentionally, develop yourself during intensive training and simulation sessions on international politics and diplomacy from experienced and renowned diplomats and ambassadors.

#MUN conferences are great, and #MUN organizers are doing their best to keep it that way for us!

As you set out to attend #MUN conferences, I hope you will think often of the ideas I have presented in this article. No doubt, it contains a wealth of practical ideas to help you make the most of every #MUN conference you attend. I will be back next month with a fresh topic. Until then, thanks for following and sharing.



Ifeoluwa Ariyo-Agbaje

Ifeoluwa is one of Africas’ and Nigerias’ iconic model to watch in leadership. He presently serves as the Head of Communications, BIMUN Nigeria.